Neofollics lotion is 41% effectiever in celgroei dan Minoxidil.

Klinische studies hebben aangetoond dat de Neofollics lotion 41% effectiever is in celgroei vergeleken met Minoxidil. De producten van Neofollics zijn ontwikkeld om gebruiksvriendelijk te zijn en kennen geen bijwerkingen. De behandelingen worden gecompleteerd met een assortiment van haarverliesproducten, zoals shampoo, conditioner, lotion en tabletten.

Hair growth lotion

Neofollics Hair Growth Stimulating Lotion

At Neofollics hair growth has our full focus. We study the mechanisms that promote hair growth or causes hair loss to create effective solutions. At Neofollics Hair Technology, we strive to develop hair loss treatments that are as effective as possible, at a reasonable price, without compromising on ease of use or have damaging side-effects. The active ingredients we use are all scientifically proven to be effective against hair loss and to stimulate hair growth. 

Meer informatie

Over Neofollics Hair Technology en hun haargroeimolecuul Neoxyl.

At Neofollics hair growth has our full focus. We study the mechanisms that promote hair growth or causes hair loss to create effective solutions. At Neofollics Hair Technology, we strive to develop hair loss treatments that are as effective as possible, at a reasonable price, without compromising on ease of use or have damaging side-effects. The active ingredients we use are all scientifically proven to be effective against hair loss and to stimulate hair growth. 

At Neofollics we developed the hair growth molecule Neoxyl. Neoxyl 7% has been specially developed as the successor to Minoxidil and other hair growth lotions. Minoxidil is a drug widely used for hair growth stimulation. However, it has limited effectiveness and has many negative side effects. Hair growth molecules Neoxyl 7% ® contains three main hair growth molecules namely Adenosine, Vividine ® and Aminexil ®.

Deze moleculen hebben een vergelijkbare moleculaire structuur als Minoxidil, maar bieden samen een breder aanpak van haarverlies en hebben vrijwel geen bijwerkingen.

Ontvang een gratis Haargroei Stimulerende Hoofdhuidroller

Profiteer van de tijdelijke promotie waarbij u een gratis Haargroei Stimulerende Roller ontvangt bij aankoop van 3 Haargroei Stimulerende Lotions. Geef uw haargroei een boost door de Neofollics Lotion te combineren met de Hoofdhuidroller. De Neofollics lotion met 7% Neoxyl is de krachtigste lotion op de markt. Het haargroei complex Neoxyl bevat 10 wetenschappelijk bewezen ingrediënten om haargroei te stimuleren. Met het gebruik van de Haargroei Stimulerende Hoofdhuidroller wordt de opname van de lotion tot wel 5 keer verhoogd.

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Man, 58 jaar oud

On the left you can see photos of a male who has used a treatment of Neofollics products for 4 months. The treatment was the treatment against advanced hair loss.

Veelgestelde vragen

Neofollics Hair Growth Stimulating Lotion

At Neofollics hair growth has our full focus. We study the mechanisms that promote hair growth or causes hair loss to create effective solutions. At Neofollics Hair Technology, we strive to develop hair loss treatments that are as effective as possible, at a reasonable price, without compromising on ease of use or have damaging side-effects. The active ingredients we use are all scientifically proven to be effective against hair loss and to stimulate hair growth. 

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